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We do not just sell ...

Custom Services

We offer customized services such as order delivery, application of different materials, realization of 3D projects and sales online.
If you need some more specific service, do not hesitate, contact us!
Delivery of Orders
Delivery of Orders

Did you buy a product and can not carry it because of its special dimensions or characteristics? You can count on our parcel delivery service, on request.

Application of <br>Various Materials
Application of
Various Materials

Do not know or have no one to make the application of products purchased? We have this service on request.

3D Projects
3D Projects

Can not see how the division will be after the works? You can request a 3D project, under budget.

Online Product Sales
Online Product Sales

In addition to being able to count on the services of our stores in Aveiro and Coimbra you can find more solutions in the online store.

Need help, budget or a specific service?
Talk to us, e solve!

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